our next meetings
Tues. 16 April (Zoom) 7.30 – 8.30pm. Keith Burton. "A visit to Harrogate by postcards"
Tues. 14th May 7.30 – 8.30pm. Nigel Gooch - "The Life and Times of Ahmad, Shah of Persia, 1909-1925"
Tues. 11th June 7.30 – 8.30pm. Tony Bosworth – “1936 Olympic Games”

2023 - 2024 SEASON
We are a "Philatelic Society" or "Stamp Club" for collectors of postage stamps, postal history, thematic philately, aerophilately, postcards and ephemera: in Kingston-upon-Thames, Claygate, East & West Molesey, Esher, Ham, Hersham, Surbiton, and Thames Ditton.

It is, with some sadness, that I need to report the demise, after ninety-seven years, of the Kingston upon Thames and District Philatelic Society. It was becoming increasingly difficult to run the Society without the support of the majority of the members. A number of regular members have not renewed for this season. Face-to-face meetings have now ceased although virtual zoom meetings will continue until the end of the season.
Should attendance at zoom meetings increase, I would be prepared to continue these to the year end. The website will operate for a while to ensure that folk are aware of the situation.
My thanks to the committee for their work to keep the Society on track, particularly to Brian Sole who has done sterling work as our secretary for longer than I have been a member, and to Ian Amy who, I believe, has been involved in the financial aspects of the Society for 50 years.
I hope that you will continue collecting and enjoying the superb world of philately.
Twickenham & District P.S.; Wimbledon P.S. and Epsom & Ewell P.S. have expressed that they would welcome any of our members who would wish to join them. Have a good Easter.
Christopher Oliver.
Exploration, Research, Discussion, Enjoyment, Companionship.
"I conceive of a stamp being a fragment of history, a word in the annals of human experience, a picture of an ideal fresh from the human heart. The design impressed upon it signifies what the nation may be at the moment."
(Harold LeClair Ickes; United States Secretary of the Interior, 1937-1946)

Guest Speakers
Members Evenings
Annual Competition
A regular journal
From 8 pm until 10 pm on the first Thursday and the third Friday of each month.

Our next auction will be held on 19 January.

The Kingston-upon-Thames library research staff staff under Lily Stevens are currently working on a "Postal Service History" guide for the library's American History series.
In undertaking this, Kelly, a member of the research team found a very useful site that can be reached through the following link.
This link provides an excellent overview of the history behind the US Postal System, covering the Fairbanks Tavern (the 1st post office), the Hutchinson Affair, and how the evolution of technology led to the modern postal system in use today.
We are grateful to Kingston Library for sharing this research with us.
Full notes of the meetings may be found in the quarterly Newsletters, circulated free to Members..
Thursday 4 January 2024
Material presented by Members on the theme of Royalty
Brian Sole presented recent GB material including special cancellations marking the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and the new King Charles stamps. Roger Niven presented a pot-pourri of postcards from Bulgaria and France, and Chris Oliver presented material from South Africa focusing on the George V and George VI issues.
Following these Simon Taylor presented a series of fabulous USA covers with rates and cancellations that pre-dated the membership of the UPU and meticulously written up by the previous owner Malcolm Montgomery: a real treat.
Thursday 2 November: Members' Meeting: "Sideline Collections which have grown"
The meeting started with a tribute to Alan Tyler who sadly passed away in October. A former President of the Society he presented many collections over the years, including from Scandinavia, Straits Settlements and Israel/Palestine.
Brain Sole then presented a display about British Exhibitions, as celebrated by stamps, labels, and special cards.
Paul Lang explained that he had a small collection of the British part of the New Hebrides Codominion which is now part of Vanuatu and he displayed some colourful stamps from these islands.
Chris Oliver concluded the displays by recounting how he branched out from collecting South Africa into the USA: starting with a large box bought in a local club auction. From there has collection has grown with stamps reflecting the History of the USA, and its natural history, architecture and sports
"Postcards": 20 October 2023
Friday 20 October:
A Member's Meeting with guests
A fascinating evening with Brian leading off with varieties of postcards - all featuring bicycles both ancient and modern.
Following this Ian brought some wonderful cards (from his father's collection) all connected to greetings (New Year, Birthdays, Easter, Maytime and Christmas) many very elaborate.
Paul then displayed postcards of Surrey, with Edwardian cards showing such sites as the Coronation Stone in Kingston.
Susan showed us more of her Faroese postcards depicting the way of life in these remote islands.
Finally Chris showed some recent acquisitions of Purbeck postcards.
A highly entertaining evening that was enjoyed by all.
ZOOM Meeting: Tuesday 10 October:
Jim Wigmore "Cyprus Airmails and "Aophrodite's Island"
The airmail displayed included pre-1932 covers, including a cover flown by Imperial Airways from London to Marseille and then onto Famagusta by ship. Another cover dated 1929 came from Stockholm via Malmo to Croydon, then by Imperial Airways to Cairo, and then by sea to Cyprus.
Specially marked test letters used by Imperial Airways to test the effectiveness of the flying boat routes were another highlight.
In the next display Jim explained the Greek legend about the birth og the goddess Aphrodite in Cyprus and then went on to display how she has regularly appeared on the stamps of Cyprus, both in the now Turkish and Greek Cypriot territories.
The presence of the Knights of St. John provided another rich slice of history; as did an explanation of the significance of the Orthodox Church.
Jim Brown: The Channel Islands under Occupation - 5 October
September 7th: "Recent Acquisitions"
Brain Sole displayed some British items which he has yet to incorporate into his collections.
Susan Oliver displayed some recently written up Faeroe Islands covers togather with some newer items she had found.
Chris Oliver had recently purchased every printing of the South African flower booklets from 2001 onwards; and he displayed two of these. He also showed an interesting cover from Prince Albert's Guard, dated 19 December 1940. The guard was originally founded as the Port Elizabeth Volunteer Rifle Corps.
ZOOM Meeting 12 September
"A Philatelic Ramble Around Purbeck"
Chris displayed a wealth of material from his collection about the Isle of Purbeck. This included early letters form several of the villages and towns in this part of Dorset: local postmarks from long gone post offices and a variety of interesting postcards showing the scenery and history of the area. A fascinating display.
September 5 2023: The first meeting of our new season. "My favourite Country"
We were treated to four displays.
Ian Amy showed us material from Monaco, followed by Pakistan stamps from the first fifteen years of independence: a country which we do not often get to see displayed.
Stan Challis displayed material from a recently acquired collection of modern Irish mail.
Susan Oliver delighted us with a display of the Svalberg Islands (which most of us know by the old name of Spitzbergen). This included items from Bear Island and Franz Joseph Land.
Brian Sole surprised us with a display on black pages (which reminded us all of a time when such was very fashionable) showing the first Wilding and Machin definitive stamps of Queen Elizabeth II.
Chris Oliver displayed more material from South Africa, which included progressive colour proofs of the UNESCO prepaid envelope. Also shown were some sheets of colour and paper trials with art-deco label designs instead of stamps.
Peter is the long serving Hon. Secretary of the Federation of Surrey Philatelic Societi and has been collecting Monaco for most of his collecting life.
Peter started his display with some postal stationery of 1885 with impressed stamps of Prince Charles III and the stamp issue of the same date.
The display continued with stamps from all periods. Below are pictures of Peter making his presentation, two of the St Devote stamps, overprinted for use as airmail, and the Roosevelt Commemoration. A fascinating display, much enjoyed by all who were able to attend.

This year Susan Oliver (our President) departed from showing her beloved Faeroe Islands and displayed part of her extensive collection of North Yorkshire postal history. The first half concentrated on the town and port of Whitby, with a view of the resort of Scarborough in the second part. Susan lived in a hamlet near Helmsley, Yorkshire during her formative years where she developed a liking for its philately. The Gilling & Pickering rail line went through the hamlet until closure to passengers in 1953 and total closure in 1964.
We were shown several straight-line cancellations of Whitby; a double ring Paid mark of 1792; a photocopy of a rare ship letter and a progression of 875 Duplex cancellations of the town.
18th century cancellations of Scarborough were varied:- SCARBO / ROUGH in 1765; in 1773 SCAR / BOROUGH; SCARBOROUGH on one line in 1801; several versions of milage marks being included; We also viewed a a parcel label of 1893; a Mulready envelope of 1940, another photocopy of a rare ship letter, and two items from overseas – San Remo, Italy (1905) & Seychelles (1969). Susan hopes to acquire the two ship letters if and when they appear on the market.
THURSDAY 14th FEBRUARY 2023 – A Zoom display by Keith Burton F.R.P.S.L.
We welcomed Keith who is better known as the editor of ABPS News.
Keith explained that his display was mainly postcards although two stamps were included. Only viaducts had been included, no bridges or aqueducts, as a viaduct incorporated a multiplicity of arches and carried either a railway or a road.
We commenced with Ravenshaw, north of Manchester where Keith had grown up. Now cleaned up and looking tranquil. The next was the Sankey viaduct which carries the Liverpool – Manchester line over the river Wye is now known as Monsal Dale viaduct. Then to Wales to view the Barmouth viaduct which, in 1864, had a lifting bridge but by 1900 had a swing bridge to allow ships to pass. Porthkerry Park Viaduct in Barry was built in 1890’s.
Wimereaux, Pas-de-Calais was erected in 1887 to carry the train from Calais to Boulogne but soon afterward took the Paris to Calais mail. Also in France, the majestic triple tier Viaduc de Chaumont, St. Roch serving the Paris to Basel line and 600m long. This includes a walkway tier The Grand Viaduc de la Donniere must be the longest viaduct in the world. Next was Morez Viaduct in the Jura built 1865 -1912 as a fiat of engineering comprising not just one span but six. In Germany the largest brick-built viaduct at Goltzschabruhe, Saxony is four tiers in height built 1856-61 containing 26 million bricks and appears on a stamp. We then viewed the Uppermill viaduct on the Huddersfield Narrow Canal and concluded with the Ribblehead Viaduct.
Michael began with an explanation of the topographical and political history of the country, which had been reclusive until the end of the great war.
Michael aided his display by distributed a map showing the main settlements and routes between them and a page showing the depiction of the various postmarks which would be otherwise indecipherable to those other than our displayer and his cohorts who collect the philately of Nepal.
Postage stamps were printed on a rough, locally produced paper made from an acid free shrub. These stamps of 1881 would have only been used internally.
More stamps, depicting Shiva, were produced in Britain by Perkins, Bacon from 1907 to 1935. Cancellation was by a series of horizontal bars with a central figure within an oval. Prime minister Chandra Shumsher visited Britain in 1908 and a U.K. Residence was established in Kathmandu, after W.W.ll., with a branch of the Indian Post Office therein.
1936/37 saw the Indo-Nepalese postal treaty resulting in new higher value stamps being issued, printed in India, with unusual rates appearing in 1960’s. King Mahindra was crowned in 1956, when a commemorative stamp was issued. Nepal joined the United Nations in 1956 and the U.P.U. in 1959. The U.P.U. demanded that a Western alphabet be used for the value and name of the country on its stamps and with dates using the Western calendar
We are used to seeing displays of postage dues from Michael, but he had certainly used his analytical mind to show us an exceptionally good display of Nepal. A country not often displayed. All members that attended were full of praise of this evening meeting.
Five members and one guest attended.
Two members displayed.
Russell Hill:- Boating in his younger years, water-skiing and bob-sleighing were hobbies that Russell had tried and we saw photographs and medals to exemplify this. Through his connection to Butlins, he had also played snooker and darts, viewed boxing and had seen some of the cartoons produced to publicise Butlins. We saw postcards of these activities. Billy Butlin was president of the cartoonist society for a number of years and Russell is also an accomplished cartoonist which we were also allowed to view.
Brian Sole:- Brian is a follower of the Royal Family and has collected philatelic items relating to royalty from Queen Victoria to King Charles lll on the stamps of Jersey and of Great Britain. He also displayed some labels issued by G.B. for the Coronations of King George Vl and Queen Elizabeth ll. Brian finished his display with covers featuring every monarch of England from King William l to King George Vl.
The first Zoom meeting since lockdown was organised to involve country members, members who find attending meetings difficult, friends and guests who are interested in all aspects of philately.
It is hoped that future meetings will alternate between a visiting presenter and members displays on a theme.
Those who joined this meeting were treated to a series of fascinating exhibits from Michael Pitt-Payne including items from the from Willie Reginald Bray "the Man who posted himself" and some historical letters where an ordinary cover hid a deeply interesting letter.
Roger Holden showed us a series of stamps from Gibraltar, with crucially, original postcards that matched the designs.
Chris Oliver also showed some censored covers from South Africa where often the markings indicated a hidden story.
Full details will be available in the next Club Newsletter.